Further Information
Pagan Dawn https://www.paganfed.org/
Witchcraft and Wicca magazine published by the Children of Artemis https://witchcraft.org/witchcraft-wicca-magazine/
The Pagan Federation (UK) https://www.paganfed.org/
PFI International https://www.paganfederation.org/
The Children of Artemis https://witchcraft.org
Doreen Valiente Foundation http://doreenvaliente.org
Recommended Books
There are literally hundreds of books on Witchcraft; some good, some bad and some mixed and far too many for us to list or review. So below are a few books we have read which we think are very useful reading for people wishing to learn about the Craft. There are of course many other good books which we have not listed.
Wicca – The Old Religion in the New Age - by Vivianne Crowley
Complete Book of Witchcraft - Raymond Buckland
Witchcraft – A Tradition Renewed – John Evan Jones
Doreen Valiente - Witch - Philip Heselton
The Rebirth of Witchcraft – Doreen Valiente
Lid Off the Cauldron - Patricia Crowther
Aradia – Gospel of the Witches - Charles Leland
Triumph of the Moon - Ronald Hutton
The Play Goes On: The Rituals of the Rainbow Bridge - Zachary Cox, Jean M Williams & friends.
The Gods Within: The Pagan Pathfinders Book of God and Goddess Evocations - Jean M Williams and Zachary Cox